
Bacon Wrapped Scallops

To most of us here in the US this is a fairly common appetizer, but the reality is that this is a very special treat, or dinner if you really think about it. The ingredients are amazing and so different, and the tastes that they create together are an absolute marriage of love and compliment. Preparation of this dish is somewhat tedious, but if made with love and care, the flavors will be double fold delicious.


  • Healthy Seeds We Love

    Some perceived nuts like Pistachios, Pine Nuts and Cashews are actually seeds. There are other edible seeds, but in this article we showcase seeds that we often use in Nutty Kitchen’s recipes. So with that said, let’s talk about Pine Nuts first. Since the Paleolithic period, pine nuts have been eaten in Europe and Asia.  They are…


  • Thanksgiving Turkey: Smoked

    Contribution by Kendrick Kotter With the Thanksgiving holidays just around the corner, now it is time to start thinking and planning what you are going to prepare for your friends and family. How are you going to cook the Thanksgiving Turkey this year? Are you going for the traditional roasting way? Or are you thinking…


  • Guest Post: Save Time and Eat Healthily throughout the Week: Tips from Dieticians

    Contributor: Victoria Lim Even if you manage to eliminate junk food and get in the habit of snacking on apples, eating healthy is still no easy task. Healthy meals require time, and incidentally, time is usually what we lack most. When you get back from work in the evening, you’re not really up for whipping…


  • Guest Post: Lower Blood Sugar Levels with These 7 Superfoods

    By Dr. Chris Driscoll Being cautious about your health doesn’t have to be a dull and agonizing check off your to-do list. You can make it fun by trying new foods and recipes throughout the week. It’s not hard to cover all the basics, especially if you eat a variety of naturally colorful foods and…


About Me

Hi, I’m JO, founder of NUTTY KITCHEN

We love exploring food from around the world, some of my travels have taken me throughout Europe, the Americas and Southeast Asia, experiencing different ways of life and amazing people along the way.

I’m devoted to a healthy lifestyle, embracing the ethos of “cooking for life.” My culinary philosophy reflects a balance between self-reflection and promoting holistic health while building community. Beyond the kitchen, I’m a dedicated yoga enthusiast and instructor, aiming to blend my zest for life and wellness through mindful practices and innovative dishes. To me, crafting food is a journey of self-discovery, an upliftment of awareness, and a therapeutic escape from today’s fast-paced world.


  • Curry Madras – Vegetables

    If you like curry dishes you must try our Madras Curry. It is easy to make, takes the guessing out of which spices to use and will satisfy your senses in every way. It really is that good. Our Curry Madras Spice Blend is handcrafted in our Nutty Kitchen. This dish serves 4 – 6…


  • Flexibility – A Core Principle for Wellness

    Why is flexibility such a vital component of a healthy lifestyle? The importance of flexibility transcends mere physical agility; it encompasses a holistic approach to wellness that integrates strength, calm, overall well-being, and even the practice of yoga. Increased Performance and Convenience: Most aerobic and strength training programs inherently cause muscles to contract and flex.…